Also called a manuscript critique, manuscript evaluation, manuscript appraisal, editorial assessment or light developmental edit.

What is a manuscript assessment?

A manuscript assessment evaluates your manuscript’s major building blocks: plot, characterization, pacing, structure, and setting. It’s a report-only service that allows you to focus on the big picture. It makes sure your story has the right foundations in place and lives up to its full potential, before you work on how to tell it.

A manuscript assessment doesn’t replace a developmental edit, but it can certainly make one easier.

When should I get a manuscript assessment?

A manuscript assessment is a wonderfully versatile edit that can be used at several stages of the writing-process. Some useful scenarios include:

  • To make sure you’re on the right track with your early drafts.
  • As a preparation for your developmental edit.
  • As a quality- control before or after a big rewrite.

What will my feedback look like?

A report (around 20 pages) that covers your manuscript’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential.


$12 / 1000 words

Ready for more? Try a developmental edit.
Looking for less? Try coaching.